This time last year I was looking forward to the year 2009 with hope and expectations. I had a long list of hopes , dreams and ambitions. I had a list of prayer requests and petitions that I placed before God to help me achieve by the end of the year. Now it's the last day of the year, and I am really grateful to God. Nope, I didn't get everything on my wish-list. But I have gained so many wonderful things in this past year, and I have received so many blessings from God, that I cannot but be grateful.
I'm thankful to God for my blessings. I have been overwhelmed many times when I think about how good God has been to me. I can't list them all but I can mention a few:
I'm thankful for my family: mum, dad, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, etc. Sure, once in a while somebody gets on my nerves but I know I love them, and I cannot do without them.
I'm thankful for the simple joys of peaceful sleep. I have slept and woken up everyday in the last 365 days.
I'm thankful to God for meeting all my needs. I never had to go hungry or beg for anything in 2009.
I'm thankful for the good times that I enjoyed, and the not-so-good times where God was my strength and hope.
I'm thankful for laughter and fun in my life. There are too many sad and lonely people in the world today.
I'm thankful to God for adding another year to my life. I celebrated a birthday in perfect health, surrounded by good friends and family.
I'm thankful to God for the many wonderful new friends I made this year. Especially my fellow bloggers who have become my friends and sisters. Aloted, Believer, Writefreak, Nolimit, Diamond Hawk, GoodNaijaGirl and more. And to my writing mentors: Abidemi Sanusi and Dr Tade.
I'm thankful for another peaceful, happy and fulfilling year of marriage. I know I am so blessed and privileged to share my life with a man that makes me happy, believes in me, loves me, supports me and wants the best for me.
I'm thankful because I'm older and wiser now, than I was a year ago.
I'm thankful for protection and safety. I went through 2009 without any accidents - amazing.
I'm thankful for the trips around Europe I enjoyed during the year.
I'm thankful for the progress I made with my work this year. And the opportunities I have to explore further in the coming months.
I'm thankful to my co-writers on our blog series: Latifa, Jaycee, Icepick, Flourishing Florida, Diamond Hawk, Ayodele, Writefreak and Rayo. Thanks for believing in my idea and working with me.
I'm thankful because I've moved closer to God this year.
I'm also thankful for the many lessons I've learnt this year:
I've learnt to depend on God more than ever
I've learnt that respecting my husband is the key to a peaceful marriage
I've learnt to be more patient
I've learnt to appreciate the important things in life
I've learnt not to compare myself with anybody
I've learnt that I should choose carefully whose opinions I take on board
I've learnt to receive criticism graciously
I've learnt that a positive attitude wins in the end, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
I've learnt that pride and sacrificial love are not compatible.
I've learnt to be humble and content with what, who and where I am at the moment.
In 2010:
I want to be completely in tune with where God wants me to be, what God wants me to do and at His perfect timing.
I want to be more and more like Jesus everyday.
I want to achieve my potential with my writing.
I want to become a better wife, sister, daughter and friend.
So help me God.
Now I'm counting down to 2010........................!!!
Happy New Year to everyone! May 2010 be the best year ever in all aspects of our lives!