Wednesday, February 14

One Year and a Surprise

It's Valentine's Day today! I thought it would be perfect to write a happy, oh-so-romantic post today. So here goes.

Before we knew it, time flew by and Mr and I had been going out for a year. I remember looking back at the year that had gone by, how much I had grown, how many things I had learnt and being so happy that I was a better person that I had been the previous years. We talked on the phone the day before. I suggested we should celebrate our anniversary by going back to the cinema where he had asked me out a year ago, and actually watching a movie this time. It sounded like fun. After the movie we hung out in the car (like in the beginning), swapped anniversary presents, and talked about the past year. I teased him about when he was asking me out then, hoping and praying that I would say yes. He teased me back saying I was already "jelling" for him so I couldn't resist. Had a right laugh about it all. I couldn't stay there till 3.00am though. I had to wake up early the next morning cos I was ushering at a wedding.

Besides we were meeting up in the evening anyways. The event was a party at his older brother's house. He had told me a week before that his brother was having a small get-together and I was invited. Initially I told him I wasn't sure I was going to make it because I had to attend and help at the wedding and my family was going to be there. He came back to me and said that my family had been invited to the party too and they had agreed to come, so we could all come to his brother's place after the wedding. That was cool by me, so I agreed to attend.

The next day I had a busy but nice time at the wedding. I like hearing the couple making vows and dancing and the whole point of getting married. Throughout the day lots of people were teasing me saying, "you are next!" and I was thinking "you people need to slow down". At the reception, I remember watching the happy couple having their first dance and thinking, love is sweet o! Little did I know.

Eventually I rounded up my family and we left the wedding to go to my future in-laws house. When we got there, I met Mr there already, his brothers and their wives were there getting things ready. I offered to help in the kitchen but they said I shouldn't worry, I should just go and chill with the kids in the living room. While I was playing with the kids, Mr's second brother got up to give a speech. I think it went like this. "Thank you all for coming, and many thanks to the family for bringing Favoured Girl* here. Let me not take too much of your time. I'll just step aside and allow the person that called us here to do what he wants to do". I looked up in confusion, wondering what was going on. Then I saw Mr who was sitting beside me, fiddling in his pocket. He brought out a ring, knelt down in front of me and said "Babe, you have been the best girlfriend I've ever had. The past one year has been wonderful (I was in a complete shock, it wasn't really sinking in, I managed to hear a few words) ...... official..... like to ask you .... ..... Will you marry me?" He must have waited for ages before I recovered and finally said "Yes!" and then he hugged me and put the ring on my finger. Then everyone came round to hug us and congratulate us. The rest of the party passed like a blur cos I was floating on some clouds all the way home.


LondonBuki said...


When will I ever get tired of this?

LondonBuki said...

LOL! That musta been a HUGE surprise! Sometimes, women know that the proposal's coming but I am sure you didn't expect him to do it there and then! :-)

Favoured Girl said...

Yes o Buki, it was a complete surprise, soooo amazing!

Unknown said...

Awww!! So sweet. Reminds me of my own engagement which ended with everyone shouting "Yes" on my behalf at the dinner table. It was fun though.

Happy Valentine Day Babe. Hope you two have a blissful life together.

DiAmOnD hawk said...

if there is ONE criteria i have is that my proposal be a surprise cuz it's so hard to surprise very aware of subtle things.....

but girl...oh my goodness...i want to get proposed to too NOW NOW NOW... lol. waiting eagerly for the next update

Anonymous said...

Nice story.

God will continue to bless your marriage. He will perfect all that concerns both of you.

Keep trusting him in every season of your marriage and lives.

God bless you.

chainreader said...

awwwwwwww. I want my own!


Mr sounds really romantic.

Anonymous said...



Smoothvibes said...

lol.. Wat A pleasant suprise!.. Congratulations again.

Happy belated Valentines!

Yankeenaijababe said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's so, happy engagement. Eh yah, a little tear drop. How did you feel? I can imagine. U know l love reading ur story down the aisle. Really good and making younger ones like me know that there's Stay cutie.

Lowla said...

Floating on some clouds!!! Now thats a phase every gurl wants to experience.. Proud of you!..
Cheers and Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Truely Favoured Gal !
this is really serious oh !! he actually had a party ot propose to u ??
I pray God would continue to favour and flavour your marriage in Jesus Name
Stay Blessed !!!

BiMbyLaDs** said...

aww congrats o...!

TMinx said...

awww sob sob lol. Nice story.

Anonymous said...

There you go again, woahing the crowd. Good for you though. My Val's day was study-filled,stayed at school till 11pm. Nooo,my Mr. isn't outdated! We just don't live in the same noticed your list of good reads.I read "I kissed dating good-bye (author:Joshua Haris" say 5 or 6 years ago.To you'll it's a really good book.Ciao.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwww. How sweet, brings back memories, except in mine, I laughed throughout (in retrospect, possibly out of shock. Eventually said "yes". Congrats and all the best. It takes a lot of guts from the guy....

Favoured Girl said...

@All, thanks for your comments!

@Calabargal: I want to hear the full gist on how your husband proposed too, so gist us on your blog.

@Diamondhawk: I hope your boyfriend really hides the surprise from you. That's all part of the fun!

@Niyi: Thanks so much. God bless you too.

@Chainreader: Yours is coming! I hope you are looking forward to it.

@Tokunbo: Thanks!

@Smoothvibes: Thanks girl! By the way what's happened to your blog?

Favoured Girl said...

@Yankeenaijachic: Thanks! And thanks for your comments on my blog too. I'm enjoying reliving my journey as I write.

@Lee: Thanks! Most def, every lady wants to experience that feeling.

@Eminie:Amen oh! Thanks girl. Stay blessed and favoured!

@Bimbylads: Thanks for your comments. Let's hear the story of how you got engaged too. How's the wedding planning going?

@T-minx: *Smile* It was really nice.

@Truth:Awww, sorry bout your vals day. Hope you and the Mr make it up when you see each other.

@LM: Awww you must have been so surprised! It does take a lot of guts for a guy to propose. I don't think I could ever do it! Thanks!

Zoe Believer said...

I wanted to save my comments till I'd read the last post but I coudn't resist putting something down here. How sweet. I love this blog. I love your story and I love the fact that you have chosen to share this story to encourage and enlighten people like me. God bless you.

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